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Functionality Upgrades

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Internal Bipotentiostat upgrade

A bipotentiostat (BiStat) is an option that enables a second working electrode (WE2) with a programmable potential offset with respect to the reference electrode (RE) or the first working electrode (WE1).  used for various applications, including rotating ring disc electrode (RRDE) measurements.

DevanaStat upgrade

Ex-Factory hardware modification of a bipotentiostat (BiStat) module which allows Devanathan measurements to be carried out using a single instrument. 
The DevanaStat has the same 30 mA max current capability as the standard bipotentiostat.

External Bipotentiostat

Add-on module that enables a second working electrode (WE2) with programmable potential offset with respect to the RE or WE1.

LinScan Module upgrade

Internal hardware module that applies a smooth analog ramp, instead of the standard staircase sweep. Can be fitted retrospectively via a software-key upgrade. The True Linear Scan option is designed to be used in those cases where the nature and speed of the electrochemical reaction processes lead to information loss when a standard digital staircase signal is applied


The HiSens32 is a pre-amplifier module that can be used in combination with the Ivium MultiWE32. It amplifies the measured signal from the cell cable for a specific current range. The HiSens32 is available for 3 current ranges:

  • 1nA
  • 100pA
  • 10pA

Add an extra applied and measured voltage range to select instruments which have a higher compliance voltage

  • Maximum applied voltage: ±20V
  • Applied/measured resolution: Twice (2x) the primary potentiostat resolution
  • Applied/measured accuracy: Twice (2x) the primary potentiostat error
  • Electrometer bandwidth: Half (0.5x) the primary potentiostat bandwidth

Add an extra applied and measured voltage range to select instruments which have a higher compliance voltage. 

  • Maximum applied voltage: ±50V
  • Applied/measured resolution: Five-times (5x) the primary potentiostat resolution
  • Applied/measured accuracy: Five-times (5x) the primary potentiostat error
  • Electrometer bandwidth: One-fifth (0.2x) the primary potentiostat bandwidth
Electrometer enhancement module (HiZ)

The HiZ module is used to improve the electrometer performance, giving lower leakage and a higher input impedance.

  • Input impedance: >1E15 Ohm // 0.2pF

HiZ rRoduct Note 

CE link

Allows the combination of 2 or more potentiostats in a single cell with shared counter electrode without galvanic isolation.

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Low current (LC) module

LC module adds 3 real current ranges below the existing current ranges of the Ivium potentiostat. 

  • Applied voltage: ±10V
  • Maximum current: 100mA
  • Minimum current resolution 0.3fA (18bits) or 0.06aA ( 24bit)
  • Measured current accuracy: 20fA + 0.025% of FSR
  • Electrometer bandwidth: >1MHz

Current Interrupt  5A

CIM adapter module for measuring the IR-drop via the current-interrupt technique. It connects in-line with the cell-cable of the potentiostat.

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Current Interrupt module 10A

Module for measuring the IR-drop via the current-interrupt technique. This device is integrated in a cell-cable compliant with the potentiostat. 

  • Current compliance: ±10A
  • Voltage compliance: ±10V
  • Interrupt time: < 2µs

Allows an external differential voltage to be measured and recorded simultaneously with the primary signal, without the need for a peripheral port.

Cell-T module

Allows temperatures to be measured and recorded simultaneously with the primary signal, without the need for a peripheral port.

Compatibility Overview

An overview of the compatibility of Ivium modules with our range of potentiostats can be found by clicking on the image below: 

Custom integration services for electrochemical devices.

Are you an state-of-the-art researcher designing unique experiments?

Or perhaps an industry professional seeking to include a potentiostat into your production or QC/QA system with customized software control? 

Our integration services cater to those in need of custom interfaces for electrochemical analysers in quality control environments or those searching for the ultimate flexibility in instruments control.

Learn more